... Oh my God ...
... Never Again ...
Kelly Clarkson - Never Again
I hope the ring you gave to her turns her finger green
I hope when you're in bed with her
You think of me
I would never wish bad things but I don't wish you well
Could you tell
By the flames that burned your words
I never read your letter
'Cause I knew what you'd say
Give me that Sunday school answer
Try to make it all okay
Does it hurt
To know I'll never be there
Bet it sucks
To see my face everywhere
It was you
Who chose to end it like you did
I was the last to know
You knew
Exactly what you would do
And don't say
You simply lost your way
She may believe you
But I never will
Never again
If she really knows the truth she deserves you
A trophy wife oh, how cute
Ignorance is bliss
But when your day comes and he's through with you
And he'll be through with you
You'll die together but alone
You wrote me in a letter
You couldn't say it right to my face
Give me that Sunday school answer
Repent yourself away
Does it hurt
To know I'll never be there
Bet it sucks
To see my face everywhere
It was you
Who chose to end it like you did
I was the last to know
You knew
Exactly what you would do
And don't say
You simply lost your way
They may believe you
But I never will
Never again
Never again will I hear you
Never again will I miss you
Never again will I fall to you
Never again will I kiss you
Never again will I want to
Never again will I love you
Does it hurt
To know I'll never be there
Bet it sucks
To see my face everywhere
It was you
Who chose to end it like you did
I was the last to know
You knew
Exactly what you would do
And don't say
You simply lost your way
They may believe you
But I never will
I never will
I never will
Never again
I've seen many in my 27 year old life.
Some amazing ones and some less amazing ones :p
Going to list a few that I want to see as soon as I can.
Milk -
Sean Penn won the best male actor for his role in this movie.
I think that this could be a good movie. Not like the mainstream ones.
I like a movie based on true stories.

Slumdog Millionare -
Well what can I say. 8 Oscars.
It must have something good about it :p
It looks like an interesting movie.

Curious Case of Benjamin Button -
I have seen 30 minutes of this lovely film. And then something went wrong with the copy I got.
But the 30 minutes I did see were great. And I can't wait to see the whole movie :)

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans -
I liked the first 2 movies, so I look forward to watch this one.
I like vampire movies. They are quite interesting :p

Watchmen -
I don't know much about this movie, but I do like movies based upon comic books.
So I think this could be a good one.

Wolverine -
I can't wait to see this! I loves the X-men movies and Wolverine was one
of my favourite characters. Hugh Jackman is brilliant :)

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen -
I enjoyed the first movie, and I used to be a fan of the cartoon when I was a kid :D

Monster Vs Aliens -
Cartoon!! I love cartoons. Make me happy and always make me laugh.
I'm a kid forever!

Fast and furious 4 -
Oh my GOD!! Vin Diesel is back!!! FINALLY!! woooooo!

Night at Museum 2 -
Hahaha the first movie was hillarious.
And it was also the first movie me and Ads watched together.

Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus -
The last movie Heath Ledger played in.
But because he died before the movie was finished...
There will be 3 other actors who finish it.
One of them is Johnny Depp.

Harry Potter and the halfblood prince -
The 6th movie. How I've waited for this one.
I'm a HUGE fan of Harry Potter.
Both the books and the movies :D

And many many more!
Looks like another year filled of amazing movies :D
Bring it on!
I've only had about 5 hours sleep. But I don't feel too tired.
Not just yet. :p
It was worth staying up to watch the Oscars.
My weekend was quite nice.
I stayed in both Friday & Saturday night.
Had some red wine mixed with coke on Saturday night.
which caused a huge discussion with some of my internet friends.
Haha, some of them could not grasp the fact that you can mix them and that it tastes good!
Well I think it does :P
But then again I'm the type of person who likes to experiment with alcohol.
(hmm I hope I don't come across like an alkie haha)
But I did not make this one up. It's called Bambus.
Try it! I dare you :p

Looking forward to the weekend now.
Hopefully I'll be going out on Saturday.
Huge party at a place called Label here in Manchester.
And I'm going to watch the new Friday the 13th.
Hoping it will be good.
The Oscars 2009
I made it. I watched the whole thing :)
Just like I used to back home. It's like a tradition I got.
Ads watched the red carpet part with me, but then he went to bed ha.
I stayed up till the end.
I think it was quite amusing and brilliant this year. Even tho you could see that the
credit crunch had made an impact on the movie industry aswell. It did not look as extravagant as it used to.
Which I think was good in some ways. It felt more initmate and down to earth.
Hugh Jackman was the host and he was pretty funny :) He is no Billy Crystal, but he made a good effort.
The biggest winner was without a doubt Slumdog Millionare. I've not seen the movie yet, but I think it is about time :)
Best picture, best editor, best song etc. Wow. Well done.
And it was nice to see Kate Winslet finally getting an Oscar for her achievements.
And most of all I was happy to see Heath Ledger getting the Best supporting act. He was truly brilliant as the Joker.
Was so moving to see his father and sisters accepting the Oscar on his behalf.

Lovely Miley Cyrus.
I love this dress :) I'd take off the belt though.

Oscar winner Kate Winslet

Frieda Pinto in a beautiful dress

RIP Heath Ledger. You were a true star.

Heath's father and sisters.
... River Island ...
Found a few bits I'd like to have this spring/summer.

I think it's very nice.

...Broken strings...
You can't feel anything
That your heart don't want to feel
I can't tell you something that ain't real..."
So true dear James Morrison.

Friday! What a day.
End of the week. Woooo! :D
I have nothing planned this weekend, but that's ok.
I could use a nice quiet weekend.
This week has been enough drama for a while.
Not my own drama ( for once ).
But a friend of mine. Her life is very interesting at the moment.
And yesterday was like being in an episode of either Eastenders (english readers) or Desperate housewives (other readers) I wont go into details, but it was pretty crazy..
At least I spent some hours in Starbucks drinking my favourite cappuccino in the world :D
(while hearing the most interesting story ever, a very shocking and not too pleasant story for my dear friend)
At least now she will realise what to do (not to do) Well I hope!! OR else! (I'm sure she will read this haha)
Why do we let ourselves get used by others?
Why do we hold on to what makes us so unhappy?
Do we not realise that we deserve better and that we are the only ones that can make that decision for ourselves?
To let go of something so poisoned and destructive.
How much can a person take before he/she says "no more!"
What does it take to get to the point that you decide you are not letting it go on anymore?
I know it's different from one person to another. Different people react in different ways.
But more than once have I seen people around me "forgive" a person who keeps letting them down, who hurts them in the worst possible way. And they are still with that person, or they wish they were.
How? Why?
Love should not hurt you. It should make you happy.
I love them.
Middle of the week and all :)
Not long till the weekend.
Plus it's my day off tomorrow.
Something to look forward to.
Tonight I'm going to Nandos ( portugese restaurant which I looove )
and then we are going to the movies. Me , a girl from work and her friends.
We are going to watch Confessions of a shopaholic.
I am usually not into these chick flicks. But sometimes it's just nice to go to the
cinema with some girls and watch these silly movies. :D
Plus I'm looking forward to the popcorn haha.

Rage & Love
Thats what I'm feeling today.
Feels like I will bite someones head off.
Feel sorry for the girls at work haha.
They have noticed that I'm not in a good mood :/
It's the time of the month...
I am in so much pain I can barely sit up straight.
I wish I was a man sometimes..
They are so lucky that they don't have these problems. (AAAAAH!)
V-day went well. Friday night Ad's tells me he got me something for V-day.
I start yelling at him. "Why did you do it!?" You better not have bought me flowers and a card!! (hahaha poor guy. It's not easy to be with me.. )
So he gave me the "gift" there and then. 12 krispy kreme donuts. :o
No I did not eat them all :p But they were loveliiii ♥
On Saturday I slept till 11.15. Could not get up and go to work for some over time..
I was up late on Friday night reading one of the worst books I've read. I just HAD to finish it.. So
I could start reading my new book..
He also got me roses... (grrr) and a card. I just knew he got me one, so I went and bought him one too.
Felt guilty. haha. yummy
We went out with his cousins, their gf's and his brother and his gf.
It ended up to be a really good night. I was dancing for hours. Just the way I like it :D
I felt very happy on Sunday morning when I woke up. Vicki and me.
Me & Ads ♥
the girls
the boys
The wheel. haha don't remember taking this picture :p
this was what I was wearing
Be mine...
So, that time of the year..
Valentines Day...
I don't know why, but this day makes me cringe. Haha.
No I'm not against Love or showing it. Far from.. I love LOVE!! :D
I just think you should show love ANY and EVERY day of the year. haha love this picture :p
Valentines Day has become a day (like christmas..) when I feel like I HAVE to do something
grand or buy some exclusive gift for the one I love.
It also feels like this is the day when the woman expects to get something from the man in her life.
I would rather get a bunch of flowers or just one single rose any day, just randomly, rather than getting it THE day that they know about it! Makes it too easy for them..
Even though some of them have to spend way too much . (Or they would get a lot of grief... )
This is the one time I do feel sorry for the man :p haha
I don't think you have to go all crazy this day of the year.
Spend time with your loved one whatever way you feel is best for you.
It seems to me like some people just have to show off on this day. Make other people feel bad about their relationships.
Or lack of one. (Nothing wrong with being single on this day. Or not have a date)
Does it matter what you get?
No, what matters is that you are with someone who loves you no matter what, no matter what day of the year.
Me and Ad's are not getting any cards or things. (I've told him not to bother!)
We will go out for a meal and few drinks. But it will be like any other day.
I'm even working that day and it's my day off haha.
It's raining today.
I don't like rain...
It has been quite lovely the last few days.
Sunny, it almost felt like spring. Even though it was a bit chilly.
Sunshine makes me happy. FIlls me with energy.
But now it's raining again.
I've not been in a mood to blog or write anything for a while.
Life has been quite un eventful lately.
Can't wait to go back home. Change of scenery.
Altho last Friday was nice. Me and Ads were celebrating 2 years together ♥
We have gone through a lot together.. Some good, some really bad..
But we are still there, together.
He is a wonderful man and I am happy to have him in my life.
He surprised me with a spa treatment that day. Had a nice massage, which I really needed :)
Thank you!
We went for a nice meal aswell and spent some quality time together.
It's done!
On wednesday the 10th of June we will be on a plane back to USA! ♥

First stop is Los Angeles. Or Anaheim to be more exact. A whole week in sunny California.
One of my dreams will be coming true! I will see Los Angeles, Hollywood and much more!!
Aaaaaaah!!! I am sooo happy now :D
We are staying in Anaheim because it is close to Disneyland (haha yes, we are 2 big kids)
and not too far from Los Angeles. And lovely beaches. Like Newport Beach, where one of my favourite shows
was filmed *The OC* ♥
And then we are going back to our beloved Las Vegas for another week :) this time we won't have to freeze
or worry about snow! Because it will be HOT hot hot!! :D
Pink beauty
People that know me, should know that I am crazy about the colour pink :p
Not on clothes. No, no. I got a pink phone, camera, my nail designs are usually pink too :p
One thing I've wanted for a while is a pink laptop. Haha.. But Ad's kept saying no. (Grrr!)
He bought me a black one 2 years ago... I still wish it was pink.
The other day he found this one on Walmart's website. It's a mini laptop and would be ideal for me!
If they still have it in stock when we are there it will be MINE! ♥
Beautifuuuuul! :D
There is one more thing I want in pink.... But thats a thing I want later on in the future :p
A mini cooper!! haha YES. Believe it. I want a pink mini cooper. ♥