As it's nearing the "holiday/summer" period I've been thinking about summer clothes.
Mainly beachwear. I've had my bikini for a while now and I still love it, but really want something
new this year.
So here are a few I've found so far and wouldn't mind ALL of them :P

I really want ALL of them, but if I had to choose 1 or 2 I'd choose the red one and the bottom one :)
I wouldn't mind these either!

All of it is from River Island
And I will be going to Gina Tricot next day haha.
Here are some new things I want to be able to bring back with me ;)

I really like the beige jacket. It's going to be colder over there than in England.
And I can save it for later on in the year too :)
I love the black dress. Not sure if it will suit me though so need to try it on
Don't think I need to explain the tee with the bow :P I love USA!
The blue blazer is nice and the mint green top will be great for summer :P
The black pants were just to fill the last picture haha :P I wish I had legs like that ;)
More Wantsies
I will have to go home soon for a shopping trip at Gina Tricot!

I want all of the above!

And I wouldn't mind these either :P I love the skirt..
:P We all know I love Gina Tricot!!
I want this dress in my wardrobe!!


I don't know what I will do when it's all gone :X

Luxury X-mas Wish List

But wouldn't say no thanks if one of these were under my Christmas tree ;)

Gonna order this one.. Without a doubt!
This time it's some things from Gina Tricot (Of course)

Really love these colours. I want the cardigan and the US top a lot!
Wish there was a way for me to shop on Gina Tricot from England!! :(
I Want it BAD

Gina Tricot

Forever 21
Here are some of the things I hope will be in the shop when I go there!

Shoes 2 Adore
Found lots of nice shoes on Nordstrom's website.

I'd wear these at home because they look so fab!

This shoe is so me!! I want it badly. Gonna look for it everywhere!!
I do love it. A lot! But there is another one I like now.
Only noticed it recently. I know it's been out for a while and everyone


Really want to order them... BUT...
Have to think about it.. They are too cheap NOT to buy them.
Plus we are going to US of A, a week after we go to Sweden haha so I can't be greedy ;)

Loveli colour. I adore it.

I never wear necklaces.. Can't have stuff around my neck..
But rings are my thing. Love wearing different ones together.
I've found a few new ones I would like to have in my collection.

Beautiful Things

Monki Wantsies
I'd want some of these things. Lovelies.

This one looks fab and I bet it looks great on!
Would wear it with different coloured vest tops.
Bright pink, orange, yellow and even green!
It could go with anything :D
Gina Tricot Wantsies
without fail. Ads does not like it when I go in here haha.
I usually end up with bags of stuff.
I just can't help it!!
The clothes are quite cheap when you compare to everywhere else in Sweden.
Plus no one has them here in England :D So it's really an investment :P
Found a few new things I wouldn't mind in my wardrobe.
Too bad they don't ship abroad.. Might have to see if I can nip in for half an hour
when I go for my B-day. Shhh don't tell Ads :$

I don't have to tell you why I want this :P
I would wear it with black shorts and some high wedges.
Sooo want it!

Every year I buy this cardigan. In different colours of course.
Plus they make them slightly different each year.
Best cardigan I've ever had. So comfy!!
And this colour is so fab!

I really want this poncho. Will be perfect with jeans/skirts/dresses.
You name it!
So lovely. I would wear it for breezy summer nights and when autumn comes.
Love, love, love!
Forever 21
I love this shop. The clothes are quite cheap, but quality isn't too bad.
Better than Primark... I can't stand their clothes.
I always end up buying quite a few bits and bobs at Forever21 when I go
to US of A.
Had a look on their website and found a few things I like.
They might not be there by the time we go there, but if I could I'd get all of them :P
I have the perfect shoes for this cute dress.
Would love to have this in my wardrobe.
I adore this colour.
It would suit me when I have a tan.
I would wear it with my flat gladiators at day,
and high wedges at night.
This one is not my usual style.
It's a bit too girly :P
But you can make it a bit tougher with
some high heels and a bag in a bold colour to
miss match with.
I'd probably go with bright yellow or pink :)
This one would be perfect for the winter holidays.
Tanned body with a cute pair of sandals on your feet.
Hair let down and slightly curled.
A cute lil dress to lounge about in the sun with.
They opened a big Forever 21 shop at Fashion Show Mall in Las Vegas last year.
I can't wait to have a look around!! :D