New beginnings
I'm working on a new blog!
Will post link as soon as I get it working and I've actually written something..
I need this! Been too long.
I only used the free part, but the premium one is much better, but costs a bit.
Quite sad as I do like to use their service. Only good thing is that they're now
Nice isn't it?

Zlatan Ibrahimović
I'm totally engrossed with it.
If you like to read biographies and like football, then I do recommend the book to you :)

Makes more sense to me to read it in our "native" language..
Xmas dress
And it's a LBD - Little Black Dress - which means I can wear it to pretty much anything!

Xmas tree
The last 4 years I've had my mini black one that I still love and I even put

So cute!!

They're all wrapped and ready to be unwrapped again.. Haha
Xmas feeling
Only need to get Ads' dad one thing and something for Ads and it's all done :D
Very pleased with myself this year. I've been so organised! I did not want to rush
Without snow it's not really X-mas.. Not for me at least.

Xmas Shopping
I started my christmas shopping last Friday! And I've spent hours online
I've already found a bit. Still got a few more to go.
Why is it always so hard to find something for the men in the family??
I have NO idea what to get Ads' dad and 2 brothers... Argh!!
Always so much easier to buy things for girls :P
Because I know what I'd like haha ;)
Has anyone else started their christmas shopping??
My Christmas wishlist is not long :P
1. Would love for my mum to come here for Xmas!!
But I'm so cold lately and it would deffo keep me warm!

That's all :)
TV Shows
Like me :P haha

I can't wait for season 2!

I'm still so behind on some of them as I missed a lot whilst on holiday.
You should watch it f you like zombies.. Well you should still watch it!!

Reminisce June 2008
I loved going roller disco, we had so much fun and had quite a few good laughs in there.

Weekend fun
And chilled out for the rest of the day. We had a walk in the park and went
to Mc Donalds for ice cream. Yummy.
On Sunday we went to town and had Nandos. I ♥ Nandos ;)
And I got a bargain! (If you ask me..)

I could not believe it when the girl at the till said £10.98!
Because they had loads of the 2nd movie and they all said £9.99 so I thought
they'd made a mistake when they put the label on, but I still got it for £4.99 :D
HAPPY ME! I wasn't going to question it haha ^^
And we treated ourselves to these.

2010 wrapped up Part 3

I fell in Love with Katy Perrys song "Peacock" and could not stop playing it!

Worst thing that could have happened to me.
I was signed off work for 6 weeks...
I could not move, sleep or do anything on my own for a few weeks.

I had an amazing 10 days there and I will post a blog about it tomorrow, with lots of pics!
All in all this year has been a mixture of bad and good,
Hope you had a great year and I hope this new one will be an even better one!!

Some of my X-mas pressies
I did not want anything special for Christmas as I had my laptop a few weeks ago!

Thank you everyone xX ♥
Bits and bobs
I was supposed to buy myself a pair of flat espadrilles to walk around Orlando in :)
And also two new nail polishes.
I did not come home with either of those.
Instead I ended up with this.

Excuse the horrible orange background, it is our gaming mouse mat haha. (Me and Ads are Geeks!)
The eyeshadows are just amazing. The colours are so nice!! Bought it for £5.99! Bargain!
Just think of it as 50p a colour haha. (That's how I think of it :P )
And the ring.. I just fell for it! So big and cute! Not the ring I'd usually wear as it's a bit too girly for me :P
But it will be nice to some of the clothes I'll be wearing whilst on holiday.
Only cost me £1.50!! May as well have been free haha.
I've heard a few people say they never watched it.. (Weirdos!)
My favourite character in Friends has always been Ross.
He is so funny.
Which character is your favourite?
This episode is my favourite one :D
Always makes me laugh no matter how many times I've watched it.
Tried to find one on Youtube that actually let me upload it to the blog, but there wasn't any..
Just click the link ;)

"One Mississipi, two Mississipi", three Miss... SPLASH hahaha

Ross :"I barely even got to three Mississipi".. :P

Nice one Ross ;)

Chandler knocking on the door and says that he did it wrong too :P
Ross: "Really? Did you count Mississipily?"
Love Friends!! ♥
If I was a man?
He has an app on his iPhone and he tried it one night.
This was the result.
What do you think?

I think I suite it ^^ hahaha.
I remind of that footballer back in the days.
Carlos Alberto Valderrama (Apart from his blonde hair haha)

A true legend.
My future little house
That's the house we are buying. It's not huge. I wish! :P
But it will do for our first house. Never ever thought I'd own a house in my life.
(Ok we have one down in Bosnia, but it belongs to the family.. And there are alot of issues
around that house.. So it's not the same..)
This will be our little investment for the future. I was not too happy about the location at first,
but it is only 10 mins further down from where we are at the moment. Still close to town.
(Walking distance for people like me who aren't too lazy and can't stand English busses :P hehe)
It used to be a 4 bedroom house, but the first owners made the bathroom bigger
and used one of the rooms for it. So there are 3 bedrooms. And the back garden is quite big too.
I don't have green fingers like my mum so I want to dig all the green stuff out and deck it!
Maybe put some stone in. No plants or grass or dirt lol!
Only if my mum comes and helps me out :D
I want to get in there NOW!! I want to start working on it and show you the progress.
Will be fun to see before and after pictures. People will be amazed! ;)
But unfortunately there are still some issues revolving the house.. (Not our end..)
Long story.. So we have no idea when we will be moving in :(
Randomz 2

The cutest teddy EVER! :D

It was huge! Look at me next to it haha.

My bestest friend ever treated me to a Spa treatment earlier in the year.
Was lovely! ♥
Patience pays off
It's not something I'm proud of. Not at all. I hate it about myself.
And I end up stressing out when I can't get what I want straight away..
I've been miserable for a very long time. Alot of bad things have happened the past few months..
And I did not think anything good would ever happen to me or my loved ones again..
It's easy to fall into "darkness" if everything around you is falling apart.
Usually you have at least one good thing that keeps you going..
I felt like I didn't have anything at all.
I won't go into too many details, but I have finally given my notice in where I have been working
for the past 18 months. I've been unhappy there for a while and I've tried to make things work,
but there has been too much that has gone against me and I had to give up in the end.
I'm sad that I had to quit.. But I feel I was forced. Won't bore people with the details..
I have been offered a job where I think I'll be happy and learn alot :) Only time will tell.
But I have not felt this good about myself for a very long time.
When I got the news yesterday I ran down a long corridor just to tell Ads about the news.
And then I jumped up and down like a maniac. Him and his friend got a good laugh :P
And I haven't stopped smiling since..
I've decided that I won't let anyone put me down again.
I will keep saying what I think and feel, no matter what the consequences are..
Life is too short to just get on with it.. It's not right.
Just wish more people were like me.
Here are a few pictures that show just how happy I feel at the moment.
I hope this feeling will stay with me for a while.

Some crazy nights at roller disco ♥ I miss it!
And this last one is just one of my favourite pics :p

I've been sober for 9 weeks!! Yep! :D I'm so proud of myself :P

This picture makes me smile :D I think I will start with a random pic daily.
Old or new pics.
I've had an amazing day. Will write about it tomorrow.
I'm too tired at the moment.
But it's good news for me. For once! Been too many bad things happening lately..
The bed is calling me! Til' tomorrow!

Mini me :D In Bosnia.. ♥
Lil' bit of everything
You might see that if you follow my Tweets.
Weekend was quite relaxing.
Went to Ikea. I can't describe the feeling when I see the blue and yellow building..
It actually feels like home. It's ridiculous I know... But to me it's like being in our Ikea
in Stockholm. It looks the same and it's so Swedish. ♥ it.

Sunday was spent at the cinema. We finally watched Avatar.
And I loved every minute of it. Not the way some people do..
I just loved the story about "the people".. Their love for their land and heritage..
I can relate to that.
Beautifully made.

And then we went to Nandos. Not mentioned it for months!
Was delicious.
My crazy best friend has decided that we are going on a little trip sometime in spring.
It was between Paris, Barcelona, Milan and Italy. Some people might think: "Milan is in Italy".
Yes.. I know that. My friend didn't! Till I explained it all to her. She can make me laugh so much.
The things that girl says.. I sometimes wonder how she made it into uni ;) ♥
Ok I won't bully her too much.
We think we will be going to Barcelona..
(Her choice. Why? They have pools on the hotel roofs there)
Even though I'd love to go explore Paris.
To see the Louvre would be an amazing experience.
We shall see where we end up.

The Louvre

The Eiffel Tower

Where would you go? If you had to choose between Paris and Barcelona.