Be mine...
So, that time of the year..
Valentines Day...
I don't know why, but this day makes me cringe. Haha.
No I'm not against Love or showing it. Far from.. I love LOVE!! :D
I just think you should show love ANY and EVERY day of the year. haha love this picture :p
Valentines Day has become a day (like christmas..) when I feel like I HAVE to do something
grand or buy some exclusive gift for the one I love.
It also feels like this is the day when the woman expects to get something from the man in her life.
I would rather get a bunch of flowers or just one single rose any day, just randomly, rather than getting it THE day that they know about it! Makes it too easy for them..
Even though some of them have to spend way too much . (Or they would get a lot of grief... )
This is the one time I do feel sorry for the man :p haha
I don't think you have to go all crazy this day of the year.
Spend time with your loved one whatever way you feel is best for you.
It seems to me like some people just have to show off on this day. Make other people feel bad about their relationships.
Or lack of one. (Nothing wrong with being single on this day. Or not have a date)
Does it matter what you get?
No, what matters is that you are with someone who loves you no matter what, no matter what day of the year.
Me and Ad's are not getting any cards or things. (I've told him not to bother!)
We will go out for a meal and few drinks. But it will be like any other day.
I'm even working that day and it's my day off haha.
tycker det var härligt att höra en som inte överhyllar och applåderar twilightfilmen...tycker en del verkar otäckt frälsta i den...haha
Så sööt, du halkade på rätt plats isåfall ;D
Tackar, är alltid lika kul att få veta att mina texter berör och att många kan finna sig själv i dem, tyvärr är ju alla texterna inte "lyckliga", men ,men..
Nu har jag varit på din blogg ett bra tag nu, tycker om den också, kommer få extra kunskap i engelska:P
Titta in du when ever, always welcome ManchesterKeric ;)
Pjesma je super!