IVF Day 2

Last night I had such a bad pain in my shoulders and neck.
Could not sleep all too well and Ads felt the same this morning.
He thought we might have light wiplash. So we went to see the Dr.
They said it might be wiplash and that it will get worse for 7-10 days
and then it should wear off..

Not what we needed now. I am okay, but it does hurt my neck when I turn around
or when I look up. Hope it gets better asap! 

Spent a little time in the house again. The stairs are getting whiter, but I still need a few
more coats. I am proud of myself for doing it and not giving up :) It's not easy. 
But it will be worth it in the end!! :)

So I had needle number 2 an hour ago. Should really do it at 7pm, but Ads went out to
watch the footie. *Hmpf* So did it before he left. 
I cried after I did it.. Yesterday was different, I was "strong" infront of the nurse, but today..
It was just me, Ads and the needle.. It just hit me that this is something I'm going to be doing
for quite a while.. Seeing the syringe makes me all shaky..
I know a lot of people probably think
I'm being silly, I wish it was simple and that I wasn't terrified..
But I have always had issues with needles.
2 days down and many more to go, but I will do it!
Thought about taking pics of the needles, but not sure if I should :/


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