Randomz 3

This is my all time favourite picture of me.. I don't know why, but I love it.
It was taken one night about 2-3 years ago at a friends place.
We had a girls night in, here in Manchester and we put make up on and did each others hair.
And this is what I looked like. I love how my hair looked like in curls. I wish I could do it myself!
And I loved the make up too :D

Postat av: Anonym

Its my 2nd favourite pic! :-)

2010-03-10 @ 09:34:54
Postat av: Karolina

Which one is your favourite? :)

2010-03-10 @ 10:25:15
URL: http://karrociri.blogg.se/
Postat av: Wootang the Mighty Boosh!

Why not try to recreate it 3 years on? Same hair style, makeup, t-shirt, the whole ka-boodle! In the same room too don't forget!

There you go, i set you a challenge!

2010-03-10 @ 21:39:48
Postat av: Woot

Ok btw, i understand the security bit when posting by typing in the two words shown in the box, but what the chuff is burchard?!? Its made up words now i'm sure, do you yourself come up with them by chance? :p

2010-03-10 @ 21:42:28
Postat av: Karolina

Well.. That would be a great idea ideally. But there is a problem. The girl that lived there has moved to London and another has moved back to Sweden lol. So yeah that's kinda out of the picture. But I can try and sort the hair and make up out and put the tee on and take a pic haha. I shall try it soon!

And no I don't come up with these words lol. They are very random.. I'm thinking of getting my own blog thingy and not have to use this Swedish one.. I want to make it more me.. And in English!

2010-03-10 @ 22:54:51
URL: http://karrociri.blogg.se/

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