
I really need it lately. Alot of it!
My body aches so much. I'm not going to cry too much about it.
Other people are going through worse things..
But I do need to see a doctor about my shoulders as soon as possible..
I keep postponing the call. He probably wont believe me.. As with everything else..

Last night Adam forced me to have a bath.. I love having baths.. In any bath tub
but the one we got in the flat we are in... But he scrubbed it for ages last night and made
sure it was clean. (I've tried many times before. but it always seemed dirty :( )

So I enjoyed a long, hot soak. I put some drops of Molton Brown Invigorating bath stuff.
Absolutely amazing.

I think I will do the same tonight. And we have decided to watch Pinocchio on Blu-ray :D
Going to turn the lights off and light some candles and just relax.

At my mums during Christmas. Love bathing back home.



Postat av: Woot-C.O.D-God!!! :o)

Lol, your like my gf having the water 1mm from the top of the bath too! All it takes is a bit of movement and i hear it go 'slosh' over the sides and all over the floor. Hahaha.

Anyway, why u all wound up? Start of a new year and all that? Have you run out of chocolate already? ;o)

2010-01-14 @ 00:28:02
Postat av: COD God

BTW, has everyone fallen asleep??? No comments as far as the eye can see. I'm having spelling grief, Drunk a bit too much Vodka and Coke to calm my nerves on COD, Lolol. Gone to me head. Had enough now, fugg it! Nearly every word i've had to re-type cos i mis-spell it. Time for bed i think! Hahahahaha, poor me, not doing tooo good. fugg it, had enougfh sorting the spelling out, can't type anymore. Nite =NIte. Zzzzz... :o)

2010-01-14 @ 00:35:06
Postat av: Karolina

hahaha Phil

Someone has to play less COD I think ;)

That's the only way to bathe!! It won't cover the whole body if you don't have it full... That's the truth!!

I have no idea what happened to all my loveli comments!!?? Where are they?

I know people are on my blog daily.. I can see them .. But they're just too lazy I suppose.

Glad I got you to leave me silly, but funny comments! :D

Phil.. I don't eat chocolate anymore (maybe a tiny one at the weekend) back on the diet!

And yes.. This year has started badly..

Someone close to us went in to hospital and it was

really serious at one point. And work doesn't help either. But I'm not complaining..

Hope you are well! And no drinking on work nights! Naughty! :P

2010-01-14 @ 09:52:53
Postat av: Whoop-Whoop!!! Woots in da house!

Lolol, what am i like, eh?!? :P

Yeah chocolates bad, very bad, i piled through a tin of Roses yesterday evening and regret it now :o(

Still have an unopened tin of Heroes next to me, but will power will be stronger as they're unopened and sealed too.

Lets hope your year gets better then, sounds awful. I had the same start last 2 years running.

Worst times of my life they were.

On another note, perhaps me posting might kick-start some comments, probably telling me to shut-up! Hahaha, you don't count before you post that! :-)

Chat soon.


2010-01-14 @ 20:14:02
Postat av: Karolina

haha. You greedy man! I used to be like that tho.

I can't eat too much chocolate anymore. Makes me sick :O

Yeah I hope my year gets better too. Soon

I am already doing some things to try and make that happen! I am fed up with taking crap from people/work etc. I think it's time for a me year :P

Well I don't mind. They can be silent readers if they want. But I do love comments! So you keep them coming Phil :P Thank you !

2010-01-15 @ 10:28:23
Postat av: Anonym

Update......heroes now half eaten.

2010-01-19 @ 23:53:40
Postat av: Karolina

Phil! Be strong! you can doooo it!!! hahaha :P

2010-01-20 @ 00:01:17
Postat av: Alexandra, KAKHUSET ♥

ohmy, that's lovely! ♥

2010-02-01 @ 15:33:21

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