2010 wrapped up Part 1
I've had bad years before, when certain things have happened to me or my loved ones
I just hope and wish 2011 will be better.
(and I didn't have a single drop)

I will never forget you D ♥

Me and Ads had been together for 3 years on February the 6th ♥
I made a decision that would change things for me in a way I could not have imagined.
I did something that many didn't believe I was able to. They wondered why I did it.
I left a job where I'd been for 18 months. Ads worked there too, so they thought I was stupid for leaving,but I could not stay any longer. I was forced to leave by the people who I worked for.
And I was so happy when I found out I was offered a new job, a new possibility for me.
The Oscars, I love it, always had. Stayed up all night and watched it :)
First ever female director won an Oscar. It was Huge.
My friend signed us up for Street dance classes. I loved it and had so much fun.
Was an annoying month because we were having issues with buying the house and stuff kept going wrong and we had to wait to get it all sorted.
End of the month we finally got the keys to the house and we started ripping wallpapers down :)
I will continue with the rest of the months in a few days. Thought this would be fun,
but realising this year has been so bad. Not all bad don't get me wrong, but a lot of it.