Random list

Found this list on a Swedish bloggers blog. Thought I'd copy it.
Was going to answer it all in Swedish, but that wouldn't be fair on my English readers. Riiiight? ;)
So here it goes.

My name: Karolina

Nickname: Karro/Ciri/Lina.... (Only my uncle is allowed to call me Lina)

Song you listen to when you're sad: Stars- Your Ex lover is dead

Addicted to: Tv Shows!!

What do people think about you: That I'm crazy!

Is it true? Very true :P I think I'm just honest to be fair. What you see is what you get.

What do people compliment you on most? That I look younger than I am :P Ha. And nice smile..

How could someone impress you? Do something out of the ordinary.

Do you laugh when you're alone? Yes, happens quite a lot :)

What does it say in your last text? 16.50? x Whatever I'm easy x (Hahaha sounds so wrong)

Where do you live? Manchester.

Do you like it there? Yeah, I suppose it'll do for now ;)

How do you answer your phone? Hello?

Who did you call last? Adam to check why there was no gas left...

What did the person say? Oh I got the card on me. (For the gas...)

How many hours did you sleep last night? 6.5 hours. (Not enough!)

Did you sleep alone? No

Are you usually on time? Yes, almost always. Don't like having people waiting for me.

How do you feel now? Wet. Just had a shower. And a bit too warm.

Most common colour on your clothes: Grey and purple.

What do you think about feet: Don't really fancy them. Freak me out a bit.

What do you miss: My mamma (family) and Stockholm.

Did you have a good evening yesterday? Yeah, watched 3 episodes of Soprano.

Favourite drink in the morning: Cappuccino!

When do you usually go to bed: 23.30 or 22.30 lately.. Depends on how tired I am.

Are you shy: Not at all.

Do you do any sports: No, I'm too lazy, but started hiking now. Love it! Could walk all day.

Do you believe in love on the first sight: Yes.

What would you do if you were a man for a day: The obvious. Have sex with a woman or something else ;)

Are you content with your life: I could be, but there is one thing missing.. (Hopefully one day soon)

Are you spoilt: No haha, but I usually do get what I want IF I want it.

What are you doing tomorrow: Working.. And dreading it.

What is the worst thing you know: Lies and fake people.

Do you have good friends and real friendship: Not sure to be honest. Have a few good friends,
but I know how easy it is to lose a friend..

What is the nicest thing you've received: My charm bracelets and charms from Thomas Sabo.

A special day you remember: My first time in Las Vegas. Just Wow.

Things you collect: Pens! I'm totally crazy when it comes to pens.

Who do you call when you're angry or sad: Adam

When did you cry last: Last week. Was having a down period.

What would you do if you won a million: INVEST! Ha, you don't get very far with a million these days ;)

Do you want to get married: Yes.

Do you want to have kids: More than anything.

Are you musically talented: No, but I wish I was. As I love to sing :P

What do you prefer to drink when you're thirsty: Cold water.

Do your parents live together: No

Have you ever cried yourself to sleep: Many a times

Do you bite your nails: No! I think nails are gross...

I like lists! :) Hope you enjoy reading them ;) Not done one of these in a while.
Feel free to copy and paste your answers in comments!

Postat av: Bloggarmaja

duktigt av dig att översätta allt :)

2010-08-17 @ 10:12:51
URL: http://bloggarmaja.webblogg.se/
Postat av: Phil

Cool! Quite interesting reading that. Oh and Question #29.... hehe! :P


2010-08-19 @ 19:15:11
Postat av: P again!

Ur comment security bit (where you have to write the 2 words shown) is a bit poo, my iPhone just changed what I wrote with it's predicted text(grr!) and it still posted the comment!

2010-08-19 @ 19:17:54
Postat av: Karolina

Haha, I don't know why it does that :/ And not sure if I can get rid of it! Will have a looksy around. Yeah, well that question is so predictable :P

2010-08-19 @ 20:36:38
URL: http://karrociri.blogg.se/

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