
Sleeping is something we all love to do.
Even though I think we waste too much time of our lives sleeping.
But we have to do it nonetheless.

It's quite funny to know what positions people sleep in.
I sleep as the first picture shows. The foetus position. I have slept like that all my life.
I wish I could sleep on my back, but there is no chance I'd fall asleep if I'm on my back.

And then we got the sleeping positions with someone next to you in the bed. 
I can't sleep if someone is too close to me or anything.
So again the position me and Ads end up sleeping in is G or H and sometimes C. 

How about you? What is your sleeping position?

Postat av: Irish

Think I'm a bit of a yearner lol As for the other ones...god knows its been that long hehe

2009-10-26 @ 16:02:49
Postat av: Karolina

You sleep with your legs straight? :)

Interesting :P

Oh come on. You must remember. Try harder lol

2009-10-26 @ 16:05:50
Postat av: Irish

Well I sometimes have one slightly bent but there was no picture for that :P

Think I have slept in all positions except for E...that just looks weird lol

2009-10-26 @ 16:09:57
Postat av: Karolina

Hahaha I thought E was hillarious. Can't be very comfortable though :p

2009-10-26 @ 16:31:58
Postat av: Irish

Looks like the argument position hehe

2009-10-26 @ 16:43:34
Postat av: Karolina

Lol nooo. that's when the man sleeps on a) the sofa b) on the floor c) at their mums hahaha

2009-10-26 @ 17:58:44
Postat av: F

I sleep in foetus, though mainly because there's not enough room to sleep straight (feet hang off edge of bed!)

2009-10-26 @ 21:30:50
Postat av: Anonym

I sleep with my head buried in my chest.with 1 eye open.. stood on 1 leg and my arms crossed across my chest to keep me warm.

2009-10-27 @ 16:39:26
Postat av: Karolina

Really? I'd like to see that. Haha.

2009-10-27 @ 17:11:32
Postat av: Woot

Haha your like me, G usually, but also H(bums touching)just as often as G, A anc C sometimes, and F on odd occasions. Lol and i sleep like foetus position but only 1 leg up, the other stretched out, no idea why. Plus i have to sleep on the rhs of the bed, not the left side?!?

BUT when she's not here i have the whole bed to myself and sleep diagonally!!!

2009-10-27 @ 21:50:04
Postat av: Karolina

haha :p I sleep on the right hand side here. But when I'm back home i'm on the left. I'm not too bothered. But Ads has to sleep against a wall. Weird lol. So I usually get more of the bed for myself ^^ Not complaining!

2009-10-27 @ 22:56:48
Postat av: Woot

Lol, i got a bad habit of tucking the covers under me then rolling over 180 degrees and dragging them off my gf! I do this in my sleep, apparently ;o)

Plus she can't pull them back cos i'm laying on them now! Haha, i'm not all guilty tho as she's hit me about 3 times in the head when she stretches her arm then rolls over and clobbers me while i'm asleep!

2009-10-28 @ 00:02:22
Postat av: yagami

foetus when its cold (but where i live its rarely cold xD )

rest of the time im a freefaller (H)

2009-10-28 @ 17:02:51
Postat av: Karolina

Yagami you sleep on your front? :O wow!

I've always wondered how people do it. I have tried haha, but I get scared of not being able to breathe and then turn around. LOL.

And yes we know you live in Greece where it's lovely and warm. grrr ;)

2009-10-28 @ 17:07:57
Postat av: yagami

its nothing really hard

i just turn my head sideways :P

2009-10-29 @ 21:29:29

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