
Evil Doctor!
I went to the doctors this morning. Early. 8.20am to be exact.
It was my usual Dr that saw me today.. Last time I went it was someone else.
I liked the other Dr because he took me seriously. He listened to me and he diagnosed me with something I've been coping with for the last month...
So when I sat there today for less than 10 mins...
My so called Dr said something that made me feel so stupid and even more confused than I already am :(
Arent Dr's supposed to help us?
I also asked for some other advice/help,
but he kinda blew me off and said let's see when you come back in 3 months..
I was fuming when I left.
I wish I had seen the other Dr.
Might have to call them and demand to see him.
If you're not happy with your regular doctor, ask to see the other one.
I had a doctor that used to say my problems were nothing. While he was away I went to see another one, he told me what I had, he told me I should've been resting otherwise I'd make it worse.
To add insult to injury, the previous doctor hadn't put my enquiry on the system which I was pretty upset about.
Only after the 2nd doctor had taken action did the first even do anything about it :(
Hang in there.
Guess they don't wanna work much for their 80k a year. ;p
you are right Phil. They are just plain lazy I guess? :/ Does not help me though... He just made me doubt myself and the other doctor who diagnosed me... Not right...
Yeah F I might have to ask for the other doctor to be honest. Need to speak to someone.
Wow, you think that doctors are supposed to be qualified and listen to their patience... Just makes me so mad!