Monday grey Monday

Went to sleep quite late last night. Why? I was killing zombies far too late.
But it was fun :P And I did get to have a lie in this morning.
When I went to sleep last night I could hear the rain falling heavily outside.
It was quite soothing and I fell asleep in an instant.
Wasn't as nice when I woke up though and saw it was still raining :P

My weekend was pretty cool :)
Went to the X-mas market on Friday after work and it was very busy.
I had some mulled wine (yummy) and a Chorizo roll :D
Saw lots of nice things that I want.
(If you read this Ads,no I wont get it..Not all of it at least haha)


Went and bought some nice tights in Topshop :D
I've wanted a pair like that for a long time now.
They fit me perfectly! Wore them with my purple dress on Saturday.
Love them!

We went to watch Arctic Monkeys at the MEN Arena here in Manchester :D
I've not been before, but it was Ads' 3rd time. They were really awesome live!
Wish I had a digi cam because the pics on my iPhone were horrible :/
Great night though. I tried Malibu for the first time. So nice! Think it will be a new favourite ;)


Sunday was spent in bed most day and on the sofa. We watched Gamer with Gerard Butler in it.
Which was pretty cool. Different! Hehe.

Oh yeah Saw 6 on Thursday was pretty awesome too! Me and Us went to watch it.
I didn't think it was as gruesome as some of the others, but I still liked it :D
Was funny on the way back home when I kept scaring her (well tried at least haha).
And impersonated some people *wink* at work. Hillarious.

Oh and I had a (read two) Krispy Kreme Donut!! The X-mas one :D D.e.l.i.c.i.o.u.s!

I love these unhealthy things!


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