Just a thought

What do you think you need?

I've always thought that I need my phone and internet.
But sometimes I think they're more of a nuisance than good.

Miss the days when you had to write letters to stay in contact with loved ones.
I miss the excitment of knowing that there was a letter on its way to me from another country.
And the feeling of opening it and reading your loved ones words.
It would make me so happy and fill me with joy.
And writing letters used to be fun.
Now we have e-mails. They aren't as personal as a letter.
Yeah it's easier to use the PC to send e-mails, but why does everything have to be so easy?

Does anyone agree?

Postat av: Anonym

Sometimes I need my own space.. to be left alone and to be able to relax without having to listen to anyone or do anything.. I really appreciate those rare moments when I can get away from it all and have that ME time.. I need that now and again..!

2009-11-03 @ 14:46:48
Postat av: Slippery Lizard

I do love having space and being in the country and going on walks etc, but its hard to find the time these days! i think its the peace i love, the sounds of nature, or the rain hittin the trees! a safe haven(what ever tht means!)!

2009-11-03 @ 15:27:37
Postat av: Karolina

Yeah I can relate to the need to be alone.

I appreciate those moments alot. When I can just be me and do whatever I want. Does not have to be anything special. Just be at home alone for a day and watch silly shows or movies curled up on the sofa. Or maybe a walk somewhere in a beautiful park. Without having to talk to anyone or listen to someone else.

Slippery Lizard one of my wishes is to move to the country side. I love it so much. Being close to the nature is something I miss alot here in Manchester. I loved walking when I was back home. We had such a nice forest and the beach was not far away. All I see here is grey buildings everywhere :/

2009-11-03 @ 15:39:51
URL: http://karrociri.blogg.se/
Postat av: F

I have a fountain pen to write letters.

I've written two.

I wish I could write more.

2009-11-03 @ 23:09:49
Postat av: phil

i haven't had a hand written letter for years, i'm thinking over 10 years. It is sad that its a lost means of communication as it is so much more personal than an email. It would be so nice to have someone write a letter, even if it's about the weather, i wouldn't care, but just to know that they took the time and effort to write to me would be a lovely gesture. Fingers crossed!

2009-11-04 @ 16:09:32
Postat av: Karolina

I can't remember who the last person I wrote a letter to. Or who it was that sent me one last. :/ Quite sad. I've kept some old ones. I used to have pen pals when I was a kid in school :X

Wish I had one now! haha. Anyone?? :P

2009-11-05 @ 22:22:44
URL: http://karrociri.blogg.se/

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