
I hate the dentists. I have hated them since I was a kid and this horrible Swedish dentist drilled without any injections :(
Ever since then I've been terrified of them.
It does not help that I have a fear of needles,makes the whole experience 100000 times worse!
(not going to post any pictures of dentists and needles. Will make me cry haha)
Had an appointment today. Had to have two fillings on the right side. Going back next Monday to do the left side :(
Not happy! Can barely talk at the moment.
Why am I rambling on about this?
Because I have nothing better to tell you and someone told me I should. Blame you "Irish"!

Why don't you leave me any comments people? Let me know what you want to read and I will see if I can do it.
Need some inspiration.

Over and out.

Postat av: Egmont (eggi)

Hello Ciri,

a dentist visit is sometimes unpleasant…

I read here some days also, for me am interesting your topics from the everyday life.

Which me to interest would live is the differences between in uk and sweden.


I am jealous, because you have a friend….my big TF2 love.

All love eggi

2009-08-10 @ 20:24:57
Postat av: Karolina

Hey Eggi :D

Thank you for leaving me a comment :D Made me very happy! I will try and write more about UK and Sweden. I think I have an idea what to write next. Thank you for that :P



2009-08-11 @ 09:41:27
Postat av: Irish :P

Hey thats not fair blaming me in your blog!! :P Dentists are the spawn of the devil though ;)

Next blog - how to order beer in swedish please ;)

2009-08-11 @ 12:46:03
Postat av: Anonym

You Irish only think of beer! haha.

I will see what I can do ;)

And it was your idea that I should write about my horrible experience with the dentist.

2009-08-11 @ 12:56:35
Postat av: Anonym

Lol I do think of other things too ;p

I still think that you would love the drugs I had at the dentist...I'll go back no problems next time cause I don't rememebr a thing lol

2009-08-11 @ 13:00:19

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