
What happened? I thought it was tuesday today haha. Aaaanyways :p Happy it's wednesday.
I love wednesdays, means it's almost weekend and that means fun, fun, FUN! :)

This wednesday will be remembered forever. In the history books. The day the first black president was elected.
President Obama. I saw his speech this morning and it made me cry. Ha, big baby I know. But it was very powerful.
Gave hope... To me at least. Hope that maybe there will be changes. We will have to wait and see.. Hope.. That he will take the soldiers out of Iraq. To do some good in the world. Maybe? 


Postat av: Garderobsgrubbel&Byråbekymmer

min sambo är allergiker men det har funkat finfint med dessa två katter sen vi skaffade dom i somras.

om man bara är lite allergisk så kan ju allergin "botas" om man utsätts för den..eller så får han käka clarityn!

2008-11-05 @ 13:34:15

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