Sverige, Sverige!! :D
Tomorrow I'm going in to work early. Finish at 4pm. We get picked up at 4.30 and our flight is at around 8pm english time. We are flying from Liverpool with Ryanair. Will take us about 2 hours and then we are back hooooome :D God, I get all giddy when I think about it ♥ Yes I still call Sweden home. Manchester is growing on me,but I think it will take me a few
more years til I feel like it is MY home.
Can't wait to eat mum's home made food and birthday cake! Hmm prinsesstarta is what I'm hoping for. For you english people this is it haha fingers crossed!!
Ooooh I found pictures of my skirt on Topshop's website!
Bought this skirt yesterday, can't wait to wear it on a night out!
Front :p Back :D
Nice skirt ;)
precis och arbetslöshetsklimatet har ju bara blivit kallare..riktigt hemskt att se hur en del behandlas.
fy fan.
vad jobbar du med i england?
precis och arbetslöshetsklimatet har ju bara blivit kallare..riktigt hemskt att se hur en del behandlas.
fy fan.
vad jobbar du med i england?
Snygg kjol!
fin kjolen var
glasyren tillkommer i packen =)
riktigt snygg kjol!