Oh my

I have been bad at updating this blog of mine :/
The internet at the hotel in Vegas was not free so we did not bother with it till the last day.
And since we got home I've not had the energy to start writing and posting all the lovely pictures we took.
In work today :( booo! So I will do it all when I get home later on today!!
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas :)

 Picture out of the newspaper. That was from the day we were supposed to have been in Vegas.. But because of the snow we had to land in California instead :( and we lost a day and a half in Vegas. (thanks to bloody thomas cook! grrr )

Postat av: Karin

haha nää min förra stora var i jättegammal modell och den andra var för liten:p nu kan jag resa smidigare igen OCh hitta väskan:) ha en fin måndag!!

2008-12-29 @ 10:58:35
URL: http://karinolofsson.se

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