Lady Gaga

I used to be sceptic to this young lady. Why? Not sure.
Never really appreciated her music. I'm not too into the whole "pop" music thing.
Well until someone (Yagami!) told me to have a look at her new video "Bad romance"..
And what happened? I got hooked!! I love this song. It has been on repeat for 3 days in a row.
The video is awesome :D

And last night I was watching one of my favourite shows at the moment. (Read Gossip Girl)
When they mention Lady Gaga. And what happens in the end? She appears and sings the song!

Brilliant ;)

Do you like Lady Gaga? If yes, why? If no, why?

Enjoy ;)

Top 2 pictures are from Lady Gaga's website.

I think I might try and get tickets for her concert here in Manchester in February next year.
I got a feeling it will be quite a show :D

Postat av: Garderobsgrubbel&Byråbekymmer

tycker också 90210 häll första säsongen ut, kanske för att de ändå skapade en helt ny serie som inte skulle vara som originalet.

Ska väl ge första avsnittet av nya MP en chans men att döma av trailern så har jag inga stora förhoppningar.

2009-11-19 @ 08:01:20
Postat av: Mamma Jessica

Äslkar den låten =)

2009-11-19 @ 11:51:56
Postat av: yagami

omg there's a concert and u r only thinking of going

plz just go for me,doubt she'll ever come to greece

at least i can enjoy some awesome vids

2009-11-22 @ 01:34:03
Postat av: Karolina

Yagami I really want to go,but not sure if I will get any tickets :( they are too expensive at the moment. But will see if I can get tickets closer to the time :) I'm sure you will see her one day. You never know!

2009-11-23 @ 00:14:33

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